Friday, July 8, 2011

How to Become a Good Team Leader

So what makes a good team leader? This is a question that is often during an interview process for office based positions. It is important to therefore understand what qualities a team leader should possess. In this article I will be writing about how you can become a good and successful team leader.

Any team will need to be led by a powerful, dynamic and confident leader. All of the team should have full respect for their leader and this respect will need to be earned. The team leader should therefore be prepared to muck in where necessary and needs to lead the team from the front. As a simple example there is absolutely no point is telling your team members that they are no longer allowed to send text messages during working hours if you continue to send them yourself. This will result in a lack of respect for you!

Each member of the team should feel able to approach and speak to their team leader about any subject in the confidence that they will be listened to without their gossip being spread around.

The team leader will not show any member of their team any form of favouritism. They will show their expertise without bragging about the knowledge they have.

A good team leader will be able to motivate their team to work efficiently and will provide a superb atmosphere to work in. Each member of the team should therefore look forward to coming to work each day and therefore the business will not be adversely affected from a high absence rate.

When things go wrong, we all make mistakes from time to time; the team leader should be big enough to shoulder the blame, rather than passing the buck.
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